International $1.65 $16.50 Priority Mail Express Flat Rate® Padded Envelopes Pack of 10 12-1/2"(L) x 9-1/2"(W) $0.00 Priority Mail® Small Box Pack of 10 or 25 9-7/16"(L) x 6-7/16"(W) x 2-3/16"(H) $0.00
四、USPS Flat Rate(International) 该服务可能是在国际上邮寄heavy packages(重包裹)最便宜的USPS送货方式。该服务允许卖家以固定的价格向跨境运送包裹,无论重量或运输距离有多少,都使用指定的USPSFlat Rate Boxes。 举个例子,下图显示了从康涅狄格州运输2磅重的包裹到中国香港,所使用的不同USPS国际服务及其运输费用,...
官网地址: 这是USPS 家价格适中的国际服务。通常邮寄时间是 6 - 10 天。性价比比较高。可以追踪包裹。默认含 $100 刀保险。 优点:性价比比较高,有多种 Flat Rate 选择。 缺点:遇到特殊情况,如航班延误,节假日刚结束海关堆积包裹过多,通关较...
Welcome to Track packages, pay and print postage with Click-N-Ship, schedule free package pickups, look up ZIP Codes, calculate postage prices, and find everything you need for sending mail and shipping packages.
First-Class Package International 服务® First-Class Mail International® Airmail M-Bags® 您正在发送需要在一周内到达的重要物品。You can get a date-certain, postage-refund guarantee for some locations.1 You have a package that weighs over 4 lbs, with options for Flat Rate pricing or pric...
Step 7: Configure USPS Flat Rate Shipping: USPS international flat rate shipping is one of the most cost-efficient shipping options available to online retailers. USPS charges a flat amount to ship goods under 7lbs using one of the many USPS flat rate boxes. Moreover, US...
Shop All Stamps Love 2025 Stamps $14.60 Lunar New Year: Year of the Snake Stamps $14.60 The Appalachian Trail Stamps $10.95 Global: 1794 Compass Rose Stamps $16.50 Spiral Galaxy Stamps $40.40 Free Shipping Supplies Order free supplies like flat rate boxes and envelopes for Priority Mail® and...
Express International Mail offers guaranteed service to China, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, the Republic of South Korea, Northern Ireland, Spain, France (except Monaco and Corsica), Japan, Great Britain and Singapore. Packaging options include your personal package or flat rate shipping boxes. Pick...
Priority Mail® Forever Prepaid Flat Rate Legal Envelope Includes Customer's Return Address 15"(L) x 9-1/2"(H) $10.40 Cremated Remains Kit 2 1 box, Priority Mail Express Tape, Bubble Cushioning, Self-Sealing Plastic Bag, Publication 139 ...
官网地址: 这是USPS 家价格适中的国际服务。通常邮寄时间是 6 - 10 天。性价比比较高。可以追踪包裹。默认含 $100 刀保险。 优点:性价比比较高,有多种 Flat Rate 选择。 缺点:遇到特殊情况,如航班延误,节假日刚结束海关堆积包裹过多,通关较...