To send large envelopes under 15.994 oz, letters up to 3.5 oz, and postcards: SeeFirst-Class Mail International®service. 立即邮寄 提醒:Canada Post advises that the strike by its employees has ended. However, international mail service to Canada is still suspended.了解详情。
First-Class Mail International®(FCMI)服务是向多达 180 个国家(包括加拿大、英国和澳大利亚)发送信件和大信封的最实惠的方式。 使用全球 Forever ® Stamp (永久邮票)发送 1 盎司的信件或明信片到世界各地,目前价格为 1.65 美元,即使邮资上涨,邮票也永远不会过期。 对于大信封(平的)重达 15.994 盎司,邮资...
USPS到中国的时效 (DeliveryTimefrom USPS to China) USPS到中国的邮递时效因所选择的邮递选项而异。以下是不同邮递选项的预计送达时间: First-Class Package International Service 由于这是最经济的选项,送达时间通常在2到4周之间,具体时间取决于目的地和海关处理速度。 Priority Mail International 这个选项的送达时间...
First-Class Mail International is our most affordable option for sending postcards, letters, and flats (large envelopes) to about 180 countries. Send 1 oz. letters or postcards around the world with one Global Forever® stamp, which currently costs $1.65 and never expires, even if the postage...
一般USPS First-Class Mail International 需要一个月左右时间,最长的我听说有3个月的,最还不要采用这种邮寄方式寄贵重的东西。建议用USPS prority mail (最多10天)或USPS express mail (最多一周)。
First Class Mail International (letters) Delivery Speed : 6–20 business days Tracking : No Post Office Starting Price : $1.50 USPS Offers Free Saturday Delivery Did you know free Saturday delivery is incorporated into USPS’s regular delivery schedule? That gives shippers 52 additional delivery da...
International Shipping Services ServiceShipping TimePricing Priority Mail Express International® 3–5 Business Days1 $$$ Priority Mail International® 6–10 Business Days1 $$ First-Class Package International Service® Varies by Destination
USPS First Class Mail International is not impacted by the extended delivery window or the peak season surcharge. This is due, in part, to the fact that First Class Mail International does not have to meet expected delivery windows the way domestic services do. So while it is possible that ...
usps所谓的First Class International Mail,就相当于国内的平邮。这个是只能查询到美国境内的状态,出了美国就查不到了。一般First Class International Mail最快也要1个月左右才能寄到国内的。