First-Class Mail(普通邮件) 军事及外交邮件 重新投递包裹 邮政汇票 提出索赔 申请退款 接收 工具 追踪 通知投递 包裹拦截 安排再次投递 留交邮件 地址变更 租用或续租邮政信箱 了解 管理邮件 通知投递 转发邮件 重新投递包裹 USPS 智能储物柜 邮政信箱
说明:If USPS isn't allowed to accept your international package (for example, it's bigger than USPS maximum size limits), you’ll need to choose another carrier. 国际保险与额外服务 You may be able to purchase insurance or other extra services (like Registered Mail®), though not all feat...
USPS Priority Mail International follows the same 70 lb max weight limit as domestic services do. However, there are also country-specific limits that are lower than 70 lbs. There is also a maximum size limit of 79” in combined length and girth (the length of the longest side, plus the ...
Large envelopes that are bigger than maximum size limits for First-Class Mail International or are rigid or lumpy will be charged the First-Class Package International Service®(small package) price. Packages:If you're using your own box, you must stick to the following size limits (note tha...
Read rules about mailing lithium batteries Does the mailpiece require Ground Transportation? Requires Ground Transportation Please select from the following options Calculate Postcard price View Flat Rate Envelopes View Flat Rate Boxes Calculate price based on Shape and Size HELPFUL...
Send Mail: Step-by-Step Instructions Expand All Trigger to show more about Step 1: Choose Envelope or Postcard Step 1: Choose Envelope or Postcard Envelopesare for sending flat, flexible things, like letters, cards, checks, forms, and other paper goods. For just 1$0.73 First-Class Mail...
Size:12-1/2"(L) x 9-1/2"(H) SKU:PPEP14F Issue Date:7/10/2022 These easy-to-use cardboard envelopes are great for shipping those letter-sized papers, cards, stamps, event tickets, and other special documents. The listed price is per envelope and the minimum order is 10 ...
Size:12-1/2"(L) x 9-1/2"(H) SKU:EP14FI Issue Date:7/10/2022 ThisPriority Mail Flat Rate® Envelope - EP14Fenvelope features a predetermined flat rate regardless of the weight or destination zone of the package. This item ships in single, or a pack of 10 envelopes. ...
Flat rate envelope or package has fixed format, there is one size of envelope and three formats of cardboard boxes that you can ship for fixed price. All packaging is provided by USPS free of charge. Anything that fits the packaging and is upto weight limit ships for one flat price. Thes...
For size limits for a mailpiece, see ISO 11785:2009. A person of ordinary strength and/or ability cannot lift more than 60 pounds or 15 pounds for any one hour. As far as the USPS is concerned, the only difference between them and you is that the USPS is organized under a civil law...