Use Every Door Direct Mail®(EDDM®) services to promote your small business in your local community. If you're having a sale, opening a new location, or offering coupons, EDDM can help you send postcards, menus, and flyers to the right customers. Use the EDDM Online Tool to map ZIP...
(EDDM®) services to promote your small business in your local community. If you're having a sale, opening a new location, or offering coupons, EDDM can help you send postcards, menus, and flyers to the right customers. Use the EDDM Online Tool to map ZIP Code(s)™ ...
Step 1:Search for Routes Use the EDDM®Online Tool to search for neighborhoods where your customers live. Then, use the filters to target customers by specific demographics such as age, household size, and income. Search for Routes 1 mi2 mi3 mi4 mi5 mi ...
TIP:Use the USPS®Price Calculator tool to calculate your domestic postage costs. You'll need to know your package’s weight, shape, and size measurements. Calculate a Price 1.For many major markets. Average number of days based on origin and destination.Back ^to legal disclaimer 1 ...
Open or Close content below Does USPS have an EDDM API available? Open or Close content below Have there been any recent or upcoming changes to Web Tools API?Shipper Support Center USPS Web Tools are ecommerce application program interfaces (APIs) that can be used for online stores or custome...
Privacy Act notice: The information you supply will be used to provide you online registration capability for Internet-based services, and to provide those services. Please be aware that this service is voluntary, but that requested information is required to provide the service. Collection of infor...
Subtle design features of an eagle head and an American flag A QR Code®1in the center—scan this with your smartphone to go to theCheck Money Order Status tool. If you look closely and hold the money order up to the light, you should see: ...
service companies combine advertisements from multiple businesses into a single mailpiece to reduce the cost of the mailing for individual customers. USPS will provide marriage mailers an incentive on Saturation USPS Marketing Mail letters and flats including Every Door Direct Mail®(EDDM®) pieces...
When it’s part of an URL (e.g., write it in lowercase Use hyphens in static and/or “vanity” redirect URLs to separate keywords for simplicity, increased readability, and support for search engine optimization (SEO). Resources
Open or Close content below Does USPS have an EDDM API available? Open or Close content below Have there been any recent or upcoming changes to Web Tools API?Shipper Support Center USPS Web Tools are ecommerce application program interfaces (APIs) that can be used for online stores or custome...