USPS Delivery Confirmation. offers free package delivery confirmation. US Postal Service delivery confirmation.
Get the free Informed Delivery®feature to receive automated notifications on your packages Learn More Track What does my tracking number look like? Where do I find my tracking number? How can I leave delivery instructions? Can’t find what you’re looking for?
First-Class Package International Service includes Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation® International (E-USPS DELCON INTL®) when you ship online to select countries, although certain limitations may apply. Prices start at $17.85. Ship Now Learn More ...
Track and confirm delivery confirmation is available for these packages. The package is covered by up to $100 of insurance against damage, loss or rifling for free with additional insurance available for up to $2,499 in most countries. These packages must be less than 70 pounds with a ...
If you get a text or email claiming to be from USPS about a package awaiting action or a delivery failure, don't click it: Delete it immediately. This is an attempt to steal your personal information. Find out how to protect yourself. ...
Confirmation option: delivery confirmation (tracking) of all domestic goods is free of charge. Learn more about delivery confirmation. Additional confirmation options for additional charges: Signature confirmation Adult signature Insurance options:
Delivery Confirmation Update It is essential to inform customers about delivery confirmations instead of leaving them in oblivion. USPS tracking confirmation emails and notifications with the delivery date and name of the recipient. It gives peace of mind to their customers expecting these shipment deli...
As we can see with our free shipping rate calculator, there are two options. USPS - Parcel Select Signature, and USPS - Parcel Select. There is not much difference in the price, however, the delivery time varies. In this scenario, you're probably better off opting for the Parcel Select ...
Aside from buying postage, the kiosk allows senders to choose the preferred shipping method and gives an estimated date of delivery. Options include Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, USPS Retail Ground or First-Class Mail. Kiosks provide delivery confirmation options including return receipts, cert...
Customers can use USPS' various fast delivery options to send their items faster, including the Priority Mail and First-Class Mail choices. The USPS delivers mail and packages to not only people throughout the United States but also to more than 190 countries worldwide. The USPS prides itself...