the 5th round pick, they took Wendell Ray - Defensive End, Missouri. While you may not have heard of those two players, the 1981 draft did yield Offensive Tackle Tim Irwin in the 3rd round, and Quarterback Wade Wilson in the 8th round, who would both have productive careers with ...
“When our mail carriers are bitten, it is usually a ‘good dog’ that had not previously behaved in a menacing way,” said USPS Occupational Safety and Health Senior Director Linda DeCarlo. “In 2022, too many aggressive dogs impacted the lives of our employees while delivering the mail. ...
When a letter carrier comes to the home, keep dogs: Inside the house or behind a fence Away from the door or in another room On a leash Also, Informed Delivery is a great tool for customers. It’s a free service that gives customers a digital preview of the mail and packages that a...
Dog owners should keep the family dog secured. Parents should remind their children not to take mail directly from letter carriers in the presence of the family pet as the dog may view the letter carrier handing mail to a child as a threatening gesture. The Postal Service places the safety ...