Awaiting Delivery Scan. The delivery status of your item has not been updated as of October 12, 2021, 12:10 am. We apologize that it may arrive later than expected. Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item. Your item arrived at a shipping partner facility at 1:40 pm on Augus...
Awaiting Delivery Scan.The receiver must confirm acceptance of the package after 14 hours of receiving it. Refused.It indicates that the receiver refused to accept the package. Unable to Deliver Problems with Address.USPS wasn’t able to make a successful delivery because the address was incorrect...
Delivery Status Not Updated/Awaiting Delivery ScanNo delivery status update recorded within 18 hours of an "Out for Delivery" status. Notice Left (No Secure Location Available)The carrier couldn't find a secure place to leave the package and return it to the Post Office. ...
请问out for delivery后回去awaiting 只看楼主收藏回复 根正苗红青年 初级粉丝 1 请问out for delivery后回去awaiting scan并且订单alert是什么情况。谢谢。 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-04-21 08:48回复 sad194911 初级粉丝 1 这个包裹最后收到了吗? 2楼2019-09-04 13:27 收起回复 ...
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item The package has left the courier and is on its way to USPS. Out for Delivery The package is being delivered. Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by The package is being delivered and will be delivered at the given time. Delivered, In/At...
"Delivered": Your parcel has been delivered and a delivery scan recorded the time and date of delivery. 5. Alert "Delivery Attempted - No Access to Delivery Location": This USPS track alert for packages means delivery was attempted but not completed because the employee could not access the ...
It's just saying USPS is awaiting the item. I obviously didn't ship it today and the label is sitting on my desk unused. So the #1 doesn't make sense. I only printed it at the self service kiosk with the QR code. Printing it at the SSK is the issue. That gives the label ...
Learn how to best track packages by understanding the various USPS tracking statuses and their meanings for better delivery.
I’m currently waiting on a package that has been marked “arrival scan” for about 14 hours now, but it doesn’t even say WHERE it’s arrived! The last time something was sent to me via USPS I received a friendly notification that it was delivered… Six days after delivery! Like ...
状态更新Awaiting Delivery Scan是什么意思? Awaiting Delivery Scan或USPS事件代码DX意味着在Out for Delivery事件发生后的14小时内,没有发生可接受的递送事件(递送、留下通知等)。 我的货件状态是已送达,但我找不到我的包裹。它在哪里? 承运人可能已将你的包裹放在一个安全的地方。请检查你的邮箱、门廊、车库...