EP USP CHP各纯化水检验项目及其指标对比.pdf,Comparison of specifications of purified water (EP, ChPUSP) 纯化水质量标准比较 (EP, ChPUSP) 起草人/ 日期(Drafted by) : 审核人/ 日期(Checked by) : 批准人/ 日期(Approved by) : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司 二O 一六年
EP USP CHP各纯化水检验项目及其指标对比 Comparison of specifications of purified water (EP, ChP&USP)纯化水质量标准比较 (EP, ChP&USP)起草人/日期(Drafted by):审核人/日期(Checked by):批准人/日期(Approved by):XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司 二O一六年十二月 ...
EP USP CHP各纯化水检验项目及其指标对比 Comparison of specifications of purified water (EP, ChP&USP)纯化水质量标准比较 (EP, ChP&USP)起草人/日期(Drafted by):审核人/日期(Checked by):批准人/日期(Approved by):XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司 二O一六年十二月 ...
otherforeignmatter.EachfinalcontainerofallparenlthananequalvolumeofthediluentorofPurifiedWater preparationsshallbeinspectedtotheextentpossibleforthecontainedinasimilarvesselandexaminedsimilarly. presenceofobservableforeignandparticulatematter(here-ParticulateMatter—Constitutethesolutionasdirected aftertermed“visibleparticulates...
EP USP CHP各纯化水检验项目及其指标对比 Comparison of specifications of purified water (EP, ChP&USP)纯化水质量标准比较 (EP, ChP&USP)起草人/日期(Drafted by):审核人/日期(Checked by):批准人/日期(Approved by):XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司 二O一六年十二月 ...
The technical and logistical problems cre- ated by a delay in the result of such an analysis do not eliminate the users need for microbial specifications. Therefore, such water systems need to be operated and maintained in a controlled manner that requires that the system be validated to pro-...
The vessel is partially immersed in a suitable waterbath of any convenient size or heated by a suitable devicesuch as a heating jacket. The water bath or heating devicepermits holding the temperature inside the vessel at37 ± 0.5° during the test and keeping the bath fluid in con-stant, ...
The chapter title has been changed to “Glass Containers Used in Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems”;该章节标题修改为“药品包装/给药系统用玻璃容器”;A Scope section has been added;增加了范围部分;Table 1 and Table 2 have been consolidated into on e table which denotes the specifications ...
is specified Shaft and basket components of the stirring element are as the Medium in the individual monograph, the same Me- fabricated of stainless steel, type 316, or other inert mate- dium specified may be used with the addition of purified rial, to the specifications shown in Figure 1....
内容提示: r W = instrument response to the Reagent water controlr S = instrument response to the Standard solutionThe system is suitable if the percent response efficiency is not less than 85% and not more than 115%.Procedure: Perform the test on the Water Sample, and record the response,...