DEFINITION 定义 »Purified Water is water obtained by a suitable process. It is prepared from water complying with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Primary Drinking Water Regulations or with the drinking water regulations of the European Union or of Japan, or with the World Healt...
PurifiedWater H2O 18.02 DEFINITION PurifiedWateriswaterobtainedbyasuitableprocess.Itispreparedfromwatercomplying withtheU.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgencyNationalPrimaryDrinkingWater RegulationsorwiththedrinkingwaterregulationsoftheEuropeanUnionorofJapan,or withtheWorldHealthOrganization'sGuidelinesforDrinkingWaterQuality.It...
waterpurifiedsterileusp纯化meets USP39OfficialMonographs/Water6391 •LABELING:Labelittoindicatethatitisforinhalationther-SPECIFICTESTS apyonlyandthatitisnotforparenteraladministration.•OXIDIZABLESUBSTANCES •USPREFERENCESTANDARDS〈11〉Sample:100mL USP1,4-BenzoquinoneRSAnalysis:Add10mLof2Nsulfuricacid,andheat...
ed Water[N OTE —For microbiological guidance, see general information chapter Water for Pharmaceutical Purposes ⟨1231⟩.]H O 18.02DEFINITIONPuri?ed Water is water obtained by a suitable process. It is prepared from water complying with the U. S. Environmental ProtectionAgency National Primary ...
Comment Summary #4: The commenter asked what is USP's definition of "Purified Water." The commenter stated that most pharmacies use distilled water, but purified could have many meanings. The commenter questioned why the sudden need to wash equipment/rinse with purified water? The commenter ...
Purified Water [Note—For microbiological guidance, see general information chapterWater for Pharmaceutical Purposes〈1231〉.] H2O 18.02 DEFINITION Change to read: Purified Water is water obtained by a suitable process. It is prepared from water complying with the U. S. Environmental Protection ...
Depending on the application, Purified Water may meet the requirements where Carbon Dioxide-Free Water is called for. This could also include pH or acidity or alkalinity tests. The pH of a sample of pure Deionized Water is, by definition, 7.0. When that same sample is exposed to typical env...
Nevertheless, for the applications discussed below for each sterile water, their respective purities and packaging restrictions generally render them suitable by definition. 以下是经过灭菌以保持其微生物特性的纯化水或注射用水的包装形式。这些水可能具有其名称所表明的特定预期用途,也可能对与这些用途有关的...
32、erature into the instrument.14.The pH reading shall be within ±0.05 pH of the value in Table 2 at the buffer solution temperature.Change to read:OPERATIONAll test samples should be prepared using Purified Water , unless otherwise specified in the monograph. All test measurements should use...
Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight, plastic con-TEST2—[NOTE—Use Purified Water (resistivity not less than tainers.18 megohm-cm) for the Mobile phase and all preparations.]Labeling—Label Gel in terms of the content of sodium Mobile phase—Dissolve about 300mg of anhydrous so-fluoride (...