Alcohol,USP27page59and page1699of PF29(5)[Sept.–Oct.2003].The European Pharmacopoeia is the coordinating phar-macopoeia for the international harmonization of compendial stan-dards for the Alcohol monograph,as part of the process of international harmonization of monographs and general analytical ...
Heparin source material used in the manufacture of Enoxaparin Sodium complies with the compendial requirements stated in the Heparin Sodium monograph. Enoxaparin Sodium consists of a complex set of oligosaccharides that have not yet been completely characterized. The majority of the components have a 4...
Heparinmum reproducibility of ±0.2 mV, equipped with a glass-source material used in the manufacture of Enoxaparinsleeved, calomel-fluoride, specific-ion electrode systemSodium complies with the compendial requirements(see pH ⟨791⟩).stated in the Heparin Sodium monograph. Enoxaparin So-Analysis...
MONOGRAPHS(USP) BRIEFING Alcohol,USP27page59andpage1699ofPF29(5)[Sept.– Oct.2003].TheEuropeanPharmacopoeiaisthecoordinatingphar- macopoeiafortheinternationalharmonizationofcompendialstan- dardsfortheAlcoholmonograph,aspartoftheprocessof internationalharmonizationofmonographsandgeneralanalytical methodsoftheEuropean,...
make 100 mL. the solution used as the test solution is not required. 3. SOLUTIONS PREPARED FRESH Alcoholic TS—It contains 95 parts of specially denaturated In general, the directive to prepare a solution “fresh” alcohol 3A with 5 parts of isopropyl alcohol. The final indicates that the ...
intheindividualmonograph,andisdesignatedbyatesthydroxides;slightlysolubleinalcoholandhloroform; heading,isitatestforpurity.practicallyinsolubleinwandher. TheapproximatesolubilitiesofPharmacopeialan- tionalFormularysubstancesareindicatedbythedescriptiveAcetohydroxamicAcid:White,slightlyhygroscopic, ...
The content of arsenic does not exceed the limit given in the individual monograph.Two methods are provided, the methods differing only in the preliminary treatment of the test substance and the standard. Generally, Method I is used forinorganic materials, while Method II is used for organic ...
volumetric flask. Add 100 µL of each of the following: dehydrated alcohol, isopropyl ...
Test Preparation— Unless otherwise directed in the individual monograph, transfer to the generator flask the quantity, in g, of the test substance calculat ed by the formula: / L in which L is the arsenic limit in ppm, dissolve in water, and dilute with water to 35 mL. Procedure— ...