分析方法转移程序(TAP),通常也称作方法转移,该程序就是记录一个实验室(接收方)能够使用由另一个实验室(转移方,也称作转出方)所开发检验方法的过程,并确保接收的实验室知道检验的程序并有能力按规定进行检验。 The purpose of this general informational chapter is tosummarize thetypes of transfers that may occur...
1224 Transfer of Analytical Procedures. 分析方法转移 After publication of the Stimuli article “Transfer of Analytical Procedures: A Proposal for a New General Information Chapter” in PF 35(5) [Sept.–Oct. 2009] and based on comments received, the General Chapters—Physical Analysis Expert ...
1、BRIEFING1224)TransferofAnalyticalProcedures.分析方法转移AfterpublicationoftheStimuliarticleuTransferofAnalyticalProcedures:APropcGeneralInformationChapter”inPF35(5)Sept.-Oct.2009andbasedoncomrrGeneralChaptersPhysicalAnalysisExpertCommitteeproposesthisnewgenechapter.Theproposedchapterisintendedtobecomeoneo 2、fa...
1、BRIEFING<1224Transfer of Analytical Procedures.分析方法转移After publication of the Stimuli article Transfer of Analytical Procedures: A Proposal for a New General Information Chapter" in PF 35(5) Sept.-Oct. 2009 and based on comments received, the General ChaptersPhysical Analysis Expert Committe...
1224 Transfer of Analytical Procedures.After publication of theStimuliarticle “Transfer of Analytical Procedures: A Proposal for a New General Information Chapter” inPF35(5) [Sept.–Oct. 2009] and based on comments received, the General Chapters—Physical Analysis Expert Committee proposes this new...
USP 1224 TRANSFER OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 982〈1223〉 Validation of Alternative Microbiological Methods / General Information USP 36 TYPES OF TRANSFERS OF ANALYTICAL Linearity PROCEDURES The linearity of a quantitative microbiological test is its TAP can be performed and demonstrated by several ap-...
(the transferring unit), thus ensuring that the receiving unit has the procedural knowledge and ability to performthe transferred analytical procedure as intended.The purpose of this general information chapter is to summarize the types of transfers that may occur, including the possi-bility of ...
GENERALCHAPTERS 〈3〉TopicalandTransdermalDrugProducts—ProductQuality〈1113〉MicrobialCharacterization,Identification,andStrain TestsTyping 〈267〉PorosimetryByMercuryIntrusion〈1128〉NucleicAcid-BasedTechniques—Microarray 〈610〉AlternativeMicrobiologicalSamplingMethodsforNon-〈1224〉TransferOfAnalytical...
6 <5>Inhalation and Nasal Drug Products-General Information and Product Quality Tests 吸入剂产品...
6 <5>Inhalation and Nasal Drug Products-General Information and Product Quality Tests 吸入剂产品...