Preventive maintenance plans and documentation of repairs and other changes are also a necessary part of the overall instrument qualification." If the range of use of an instrument function is tested in the OQ (for example, column oven temperature or pump flow), there is no requirement to ...
分析方法残留溶剂通常用色谱技术, 如用 GC 法测定。 药典规定对该章节检测的残留溶剂含量需要进行鉴别控制和定量。 通则规定在特殊情况下使用其他方法(见 6.30.替换统一方法和操作步骤) 。若仅存在第三类溶剂;可用非专属性的方法如干燥失重来检查。 REPORTING LEVELS OF RESIDUAL SOLVENTS 残留溶剂的报告水平 ...
Column chart on the right shows the relative quantification of ubiquitin signal detected from immunoprecipitations after ErbB2 normalization. f–h SKBR3, AU565, and HCC1954 cells were treated with ML364, ganetespib, PU-H71, or various combinations at indicated concentrations for 12 h and lysed...
of Commenters: 1 Comment Summary #1: The commenter requested revising the column dimensions and mobile phase composition in the test for Composition of Capreomycin to improve resolution. Response: Comment not incorporated. The Expert Committee is willing to consider a revision in the future upon the...
Group/Pres entation Title Agilent Restricted Month ##, 200X USP <467> Residual Solvents Adapting to the New Requirements Simon Jones GC Applications Engineer July 19, 2007 Group/Pres entation Title Agilent Restricted Month ##, 200X USP Chapter <467> Delayed… General Chapter <467> Organic Vol...