usp-232 á232ñ ELEMENTAL IMPURITIES—LIMITSOfficial February 1, 2013INTRODUCTIONThis general chapter specifies limits for the amounts of elemental impurities in drug products. Elemental impurities includecatalysts and environmental contaminants that may be present in drug substances, excipients, or drug ...
膳食补充剂及其成分在《膳食补充剂元素污染物2232》中已有说明。 SPECIATION杂质形态 The determination of the oxidation state, organic complex, or combination is termed speciation. Each of the elemental impurities has the potential to be present in differing oxidation or complexation states. However, ...
污染物2232》中已有说明。 SPECIATION杂质形态 Thedeterminationoftheoxidationstate,organiccomplex,orcombinationistermedspeciation. Eachoftheelementalimpuritieshasthepotentialtobepresentindifferingoxidationor complexationstates.However,arsenicandmercuryareofparticularconcernbecauseofthe ...
膳食补充剂及其成分在《膳食补充剂元素污染物2232》中已有说明。 SPECIATION杂质形态 The determination of the oxidation state, organic complex, or combination is termed speciation. Each of the elemental impurities has the potential to be present in differing oxidation or complexation states. However, ...
目标限度或目标浓度:即元素杂质的可接受值。超过目标限度就是指测试样品杂质含量超过可接受值。判定是否合乎规范见于别的章节。[注意—将本章内容应用于Elemental Impurities—Limits 232 和Elemental Contaminants in Dietary Supplements 2232 ,1时,目标限度近似为日剂量PDE值除以日最大剂量(对于 232 中的药品分析)或者...
膳食补充剂及其成分在膳食补充剂元素污染物2232中已有说明。SPECIATION 杂 7、质形态The determination of the oxidation state, organic complex, or combination is termed speciation. Each of the elemental impurities has the potential to be present in differing oxidation or complexation states. However, ...
232ELEMENTAL IMPURITIES—LIMITS 元素杂质—限度 INTRODUCTION 介绍 This general chapter specifies limits for the amounts of elemental impurities in drug products. Elemental impurities include catalysts and environmental contaminants that may be present in drug substances, excipients, or drug products. These ...
内容提示: <232>ELEMENTAL IMPURITIES —LIMITS 元素杂质—限度INTRODUCTION 介绍This general chapter specifies limits for the amounts of elemental impurities in drug products. Elemental impurities include catalysts and environmental contaminants that may be present in drug substances, excipients, or drug ...
USP34通则2232 膳食补充剂元素杂质规定 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Pharmacopeial ForumVol. 36(1) [Jan.–Feb. 2010]LIMITS OF ELEMENTAL CONTAMINANTS1The levels of elemental contaminants should be restric-ted as shown in Table 1. Elemental Limits unless otherwiseB RIEFINGh2232i Elemental Contaminants in...
<232>ELEMENTAL IMPURITIES-LIMITS INTRODUCTION This general chapter specifies limits for the amounts of elemental impurities in drug products. Elemental impurities include catalysts andenvironmental contaminantsthat may be present in drug substances, excipients, or drug products. These impurities may occur ...