Pass Step 1 on your first attempt, and build a strong scientific foundation for Step 2 and your medical career. See why over 90% of students trust UWorld.
Sample Questions A 68-year-old male had a myocardial infarction. Six weeks later he begins to have sharp substernal chest pains radiating to his left neck worse with lying flat and better while sitting up and leaning forward. His electrocardiogram is below. Which of the following is his likely...
USMLE STEP 1 PREP COURSE $159 Learn More 3,200+ exam-like questions Detailed progress reports that show you where to focus and how to play to your strengths 2 full-length, realistic practice tests On-the-go access via Kaplan Medical mobile app ...
USMLE® STEP 1 QUESTION BANK Your All-in-One Practice Tool Prep with exam-like questions and integrated test-taking strategies—all wrapped up in an interface that mimics Step 1. Even sweeter? With subtopic sorting, Qbank will serve you well for the rest of med school and help you ace ...
most updated, highest quality, brand new question banks with all analytical tools and features exactly similar to your original test interface at extremely low price of $49 for 30 days. Archer Step 1 Qbank has 500 Qs and Step 3 qbank has 800 questions. New questions being added almost daily...
TestQuestionsforSampleStep1………25 AnswerFormforSampleStep1……….51 AnswerKeyforSampleStep1………52 3 Introduction Thisbookletisintendedtohelpyoupreparefor Step1oftheUnitedStatesMedicalLicensing Examination™(USMLE™)ifyouarean applicantwithaneligibilityperiodthathasan ending...
总而言之,稀里糊涂就考完了USMLE Step1,北京Prometric的监考老师很负责任,整体考试体验是很不错的。
USMLE Step 3 is open to candidates who already hold their USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 certificates. Step 3 is a two-day exam that assesses whether candidates are able apply medical knowledge and understanding of biomedical and clinical science essential to unsupervised medical practice. This is the...
USMLE Step 2 is a one-day (8 hours) exam. Similar to the Step 1, the test items are divided into blocks, and test item formats vary within each block, with the total number of exam questions equaling to 355. Reference: 907 Customer ...
most updated, highest quality, brand new question banks with all analytical tools and features exactly similar to your original test interface at extremely low price of $49 for 30 days. Archer Step 1 Qbank has 500 Qs and Step 3 qbank has 800 questions. New questions being added almost daily...