原作名: First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1 2018:A Student-to-Student Guide, 28e出版年: 2019-4页数: 816定价: 260.00元装帧: 平装ISBN: 9787518949953豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· 美国执业医师资格考试 Step1 备考用书,全面的考试指导用书。
★ 借鉴《USMLE Step 1 考试指导 2018》的目录,以便对照学习 ★ 考试状元撰写,顶尖科系审校 本书被评为医学院前两年必备书籍,也是美国执业医师资格考试 Step1 备考用书。涵盖临床医学学科重点内容,建立了一个临床医学学科知识构架网,易于医学生及备考 USMLE Step1 考生理解与记 忆临床医学内容。 作者简介 ··· ...
Kaplan Medical'sUSMLE Step 1 Integrated Vignettesprovides must-know, high-yield facts for the Step 1 exam. A "question bank in book format," this portable tool will help you bridge the gap between preclinical coursework and Qbank usage. The focus is on integrated cases and differential diagnose...
USMLE Step 1: Integrated Vignettes: Must-Know, ...作者:Kaplan Medical类型:简装书出版:2019-01-01 单价:¥244¥292 可订购03月31日~04月07日发货 USMLE Step 1 Qbook: 850 Exam-Like Practice ...作者:Kaplan Medical类型:简装书出版:2022-04-05 ...
revises the text annually. This book prepares graduating medical students for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination and the second step of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. Over the past 26 years, The To...
Written by the same authors – former students who successfully passes the exam – as the USMLE Step 1 book of the same title, this guide offers a conversational style of writing that is easy to digest. In terms of substance and content, this book also provides test-takers with full color...
USMLE STEP 1应试指南(第20版) 作者:(美)李,(美)布珊,(美)维珊,(美)陶里斯 编写出版:北京大学医学出版社 2010.6丛书:美国医师执照考试丛书页数:628定价:156.00 元ISBN-13:9787811169348ISBN-10:7811169347 去豆瓣看看 想要 拥有 00暂无人评价...
《First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2006》是McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing出版的图书,作者是Bhushan, Vikas 内容简介 "First Aid" is the world's best-selling medical exam preparation series. More than 17,000 US medical students take the exam each year and another 12,000 International Medical ...
Usmle Step 1 Lecture Notes 不需要直死背,需挑出重点看,配合着题库的内容 这本书的插图也是色彩...