2024 High Yield Question Sets Overcome your test anxiety with our uptodate USMLE Question Sets. Don’t waste time studying everything. Study only the high yield necessary content for 2024. Learn from our constantly updated question sets for USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3. Our Question...
You can schedule both Step 3 testing days either consecutively or non-consecutively. However, the Day 1 (FIP) exam must be taken before Day 2 (ACM). Both test dates must be scheduled at the same location, and the gap between them cannot exceed 14 calendar days. Important: Step 3 is av...
The USMLE step 3 exam is a walk in the park once you adequately prepare for the test. By now, you might have taken Step 1 and Step 2, and you may feel somewhat prepared already. However, Step 3 comes with newer challenges, so getting correctly acquainted with it is essential. For bet...
USMLE exams are administered at Prometric centers around the world. Below, we list some of the Prometric exam centers in India where you can take the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK. Here are the regions in India where you can take the USMLE at an official test center: Chennai Hyderabad Ahme...