而且再做题也不会紧张了。此时离考试还有十天左右,我做了一套usmle官方的free120模拟考试,这个考试最后的成绩是以百分比形式告诉你的,我依旧是83%。之后我用了两天时间通读,记忆了social science、医疗保险部分的first aid章节,大概有十几页。这部分知识我个人完全是硬背,所以选择在考前几天进行。之后的几天就是继续...
个人是在Step1的成绩出来后立刻开始准备复习Step2 CK。至于复习资料,我是报班学习的,同时使用了Emma Holiday的PPT和网校的视频,CK First Aid只是做了简单浏览,主要作为查阅工具。在题库方面我用了UWorld,反复刷了至少2~3遍。不过第二遍并没有做完(不然我应该能拿更高分),所以感觉有些仓促。我没有使用其他...
我完整地看了First Aid,而对于Step2 CK,我只节选了其中重要的部分进行学习。(因为,CK里面有一部分...
Step1+Step2CK+OET+Step3 使用材料:Emma Holiday的视频和ppt、Dr. High Yield的视频、威普网校的视频、CK First Aid、UWorld题库、威普网校的题库、NBME CK题库、free 100。 ✅总结:备考Step 2 CK的重点是重复和查漏补缺。 成功是坚持不懈努力的结果 今年6月底参加了Step2 CK的考试,今天早晨终于查到分数,...
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6. First Aid is Your Friend Use First Aid to identify the most important information. If your medical school doesn’t teach content geared specifically for Step 1, it can be hard to tell the difference between what the professor thinks is important and what the USMLE thinks is important. Wh...
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2008 (Le T, Bhushan V, Rao DA): Treat this book as your Boards bible. Learn it, love it, know it. Take all of your notes in this book so that when you review at the end, you only have to go back to 1 book. ...
.usmle.ge 1st Aid Step 1 2006, 490pg, 12.8Mb http://rapidshare.de/files/23460301/1_06.pdf (PDF password: .usmle.ge) usmle step1 first aid2004 http://rapidshare.de/files/19557933/_frffw_F.rar.html PASSWRD: http://s15.invisionfree/lekar 欢迎您阅读该资料,希望该资料能给您的学习和生活...
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