The test standards set a baseline physical standard based on a Marine’s age and gender. The outcome of the test is an overall point score, performance class, and letter that inputs into a Marine’s fitness report. PFT Events The PFT consists of three components: pull-ups or push-ups, ...
It is way too slow in game. We have a set of standards all tankers must pass before crewing a tank in combat or training. They are collectively known as the Tank Crew Gunnery Skills Test. There is a battery of tests that you have to go through Semi-Annually in order to be ...
"We are United States Marines, and for two and a quarter centuries we have defined the standards of courage, esprit, and military prowess." - Gen. James L. Jones, USMC (CMC); 10 November 2000 "My only answer as to why the Marines get the toughest jobs is because the average Leather...