美国海军陆战队在帕里斯岛进行新兵集训结 USMC Recruits Final Drill Inspection Parris Island (2019) 03:49 陆战队指挥官指导女记者Amanda Steen 叠床单 03:28 01:38 Battalion Commander Inspection 营长突击检查内务 和阿甘里的一模一样 你真是个天才 怡勒个胖 76 0 10:00 美国海军陆战队特种部队 20...
Boot camp graduations are usually on Fridays. Sometimes, due to holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Marine Corps Birthday, graduation will be on a Wednesday. If that is the case the USMC schedule will indicate the alternate family day and graduation dates. Parris Island and San...