The over-the-horizon Raytheon sea-skimming stealthy Naval Strike Missile is an improvement over the subsonic Harpoon Anti-Ship missile also in service with the U.S. Navy. The NSM cruises at subsonic speeds of 0.7 to 0.9 Mach and uses advanced passive seekers that can detect enemy sensors and...
A US Marine Corps (USMC) unit at Naval Air Station Point Mugu, California, has become the first to fire a Navy Strike Missile (NSM) from the service's newly developed ship-killer weapon system, according to an 18 July USMC announcement. The test, conducted on 28 June, was an important...
“Our wargames showed that land-based NSM [Naval Strike Missile] was too short-ranged in most situations. Prewar limits on access and the wartime Chinese defensive bubble kept the missiles from getting close enough to engage Chinese ships. Land-based Tomahawk would allow the additional range neede...
The US Navy (USN) and US Marine Corps (USMC) are considering a shore-based version of the Naval Strike Missile (NSM), according to James Geurts, assistant secretary of the navy for research, development and acquisition (RD&A). "It's certainly something we're looking at closely," Geurts ...
We had lived in Las Cruces, NM for awhile when I was a kid when he worked for Hughes Aircraft on contract at White Sands Missile Range." Bulletin #59 The "traditional" annual Bulletin listing all members of TBS 1-67 with known and current contact information, was published on December ...
and roaming defense. Having USMC MRIC aboard the LCS, LAW, and Amphibs provides a much better defensive stance for littoral warfare while embarking the USMC LMSL (unmanned JLTV) will provide a deep strike land and anti-ship missile punch beyond the Naval Strike Missile’s 185 kilometers (115...