All uniforms may be worn off base for leave and liberty EXCEPT Blue Dress A and Utilities. When driving to work, you may be in cammies, just do not get out of the car unless in an emergency or accident. Per the order, getting gas at the gas station is not an emergency. You may...
So there I was at three feet AGL relaxing on the couchwith a cold onein my San Diego hootch. The date was 29 April 1985. I was on terminal leave, having served 20 years on active duty.With my airline resumes having been sent out to anyone that might remotely consider hiring an over ...
but seeks to get in on the same deal. I'll stick with the Tea Party Movement, thank you very much. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Contact your House Representative. Home Adam Smith Institute. Imprimis (An excellent publication of Hillsdale College). Library of Economics and Liberty. Michael ...
After a long work day, you and two of your friends decide to attend a football game three hours away. Everyone is tired, and you have to take your buddy to the airport first thing in the morning. You will need to leave soon to make kick-off. After assessing the situation, whic...