having served 20 years on active duty.With my airline resumes having been sent out to anyone that might remotely consider hiring an over the hill 40 year old former Jarhead ’34 Dog Driver, I turned on the TV to see
Finally if you have questions about training, weapons, boot camp or specialized schools just remember to be respectful. The military is based around respect and honor so if you approach a Vet or active duty military person and are being a jerk more than likely they will either ignore you or...
Almost all of us became good friends with one another, whether our term of duty was brief, tragically cut short, or for 50 years. 29 years after we started, after much talk and procrastination about finding everyone and possibly having a reunion, a "TBS 1-67 Bulletin" was published and ...
4 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, ...