Per the order, getting gas at the gas station is not an emergency. You may go through the drive-through in cammies, just do not get out of the car. You may wear Blue Dress A off base at command-approved functions, such as the Marine Corps Ball. Can I wear my Marine uniform ...
Most likely wearing her sweetheart's uniform. I've always been fond of these types of photos, they were very popular in Germany during WWI and WWII, but much harder to find US versions. The couple I have, the only uniform items the girls are wearing are the covers. Which still ho...
he did not have a smart uniform for himself. He t hought about it and t hought about it and finally sat isfied himself in knowing t hat “ Well. . . .. . Not everyone can be a Marine! ! ! ! ” 2. The Mar i nes’ Day t o Day Code. 2.1. The Unit ed St at es...
Uniform of the day: dress appropriate for the moment: business suits or sports jackets (with or without tie). Carpooling is encouraged (I'll be making a couple of calls to help facilitate) although parking spaces will be set aside for enough cars if only two or three of us share rides...