Considering the amount of sophisticated surveillance and communication gear available to the platoon, the training required to operate and maintain it, and what it is they actually do, any issues about rank become amazingly inconsequential. The Force Reconnaissance Company is the personal eyes and ...
“Super Gaggles” of CH-46s hauling 3000# external loads under IFR/VFR conditions from Dong Ha into the battalion LZs in the hills north of the combat base, supported by Marine jets and gunships. The Super Gaggle enabled eight or more H-46s to drop their entire resupply in approximately ...
Communication: AV cell phone: 703-869-2690. TBS POC is Public Affairs Officer Major Jennifer Goodard The Main Table Build Crew and WO Crew Leader The Presentation Background: At the end of the June reunion, there was unanimous consent of the reunion group to use the $1,200 surplus of ...
and the crews of the I Marine Amphibious Corps Tanks Battalion had sixty days in the states to learn how to use their tanks. Then the island they ended up pre landing had no place for them to drive the tanks to train on them. So they went into combat with no real training with the...