划算:5.0 来USJ~Express Pass 7200円你买不到吃亏,买不到上当!不买快速票大概一天就玩两个项目吧。 门票和快速票都在淘宝上订了,比官网算下来还便宜些。5个项目的快速票一天差不多,还可以有时间拍拍拍。 9点开门 我们准时到达。发现已经提前开门了~ 一边拍拍走走到哈利波特那里 根据预约的时间入场。场景逼真,...
入手日本環球影城 Express 快速通關券,省下排隊等候遊樂設施的時間,創造更多歡樂時刻!瑪利歐賽車:庫巴的挑戰書、耀西冒險、哈利波特禁忌之旅、鷹馬的飛行、小小兵瘋狂乘車遊、飛天翼龍等,你想玩的通通有。 快速通關讓你節省排隊等候時間,玩得超盡興。 立即預訂,享超值優惠!有選擇障礙嗎?請查看下方「快速通關券4/7...
【USJ全攻略】无速通一天7大项目攻略(上) 本期视频,我将会向大家介绍如何在没有快速通票的情况下,一天之内高效游玩7个热门项目。分为上下两集,涵盖:概念解析、交通指南、入园准备、我的游玩时间线以及餐饮安排。视频稍长,但每一分钟都充满干货 - 敏敏子备忘录于2024
Answer 1 of 3: Hi everyone! My family and I are going to Osaka on December, and USJ is in our to-go list. Just wondering if anyone has ever used the app "Klook" to buy tickets & express pass? We would like to know your reviews about using the a...
1月14日 超讚 評價: Universal Express Pass 4 ~ Fun Variety ~ 立即預訂 最便宜的 USJ 線上快速通行證之一(因為有促銷代碼)。易於預訂和使用!進入USJ遊樂設施快速通道時,需要將二維碼照片放大,以便於掃描。會再購買!...
評價: 1-Day Studio Pass + Universal Express Pass 7 ~ Variety Theater ~立即預訂 從預訂到實際體驗,透過 Klook 預訂始終是順暢的。我絕對建議在常規日票的基礎上再購買快速通票,特別是對於行程繁忙、只花一天時間遊覽環球影城的人。這確實為我們節省了時間,因為排隊通常要等待 70 到 110 分鐘,我們是在星期五...
我上午 10 點帶著 Express 4 票(週日)悠閒地到達。截至晚上9點,共有10個景點、4場表演和表演以及3種體驗,取得了巨大成功。實際的等待時間感覺比USJ應用程式上看到的等待時間短一些。最重要的是,「單人乘客」和「兒童轉換」系統大大減少了登機的等待時間。晚上的超級任天堂世界似乎更漂亮,因為人少了,燈也亮了。
Q. I would like to book a 1.5 Day Studio Pass or 2 Day Studio Pass, but the prices listed for Day 1 and Day 2 on the price calendar are different. Which one should I buy? A. Please purchase your pass according to the price of the first day of visit. ...
Do I need a Universal Studios Japan Express Pass? If you really value your time, then an express pass, which allows you to skip the queues, might be worth the extra investment. On busy days, the wait for popular attractions can be from one to three hours ...
limited & variety includes the area timed entry ticket for super nintendo world, the wizarding world of harry potter. before you order just make sure you know which express pass you want and then double check it includes the area timed entry – under the ‘package options’ section on the ...