Be sure to make the necessary grammatical changes in the sentence. Example: Culture is our teacher. {{B}} Culture teaches us.{{/B}}3. Change active to passive, or vice versa. Example: Culture is learned. {{B}} People learn about their culture.{{/B}}...
Two or more forms with very closely related meaning, which are often but not always, intersubstitutable in a sentence. Early English French Latin small/little petite diminutive ask question interrogate time age epoch Rise mount ascend [ə'send] ...
Using Logic Mobile Survey Optimization Renaming Your Survey Supplemental Data Sources Workflows Tab Distributions Tab Data & Analysis Tab Results Tab Reports Tab Workflows Stats iQ Text iQ CX & BX Dashboards 360 Engagement Lifecycle Pulse Ad Hoc Employee Research Website / App...
• If you use a word more than once in one sentence, each time with a different modifier, consider using a suspension hyphen. However, do not overuse the hyphen in this role. If the repeated word comes last in the compound, write the full compound at the end, and hyphens in the ear...
Create a table that contains the sentence pairs specified as strings. Read the tab-delimited sentences pairs usingreadtable. Specify the German text as the source and the English text as the target. filename = fullfile(dataFolder,"deu.txt"); ...
The first thing that struck me about macOS is that the default behavior for scrolling is the inverse of how it works on Windows. Scrolling the mouse wheel down moves the page up, and vice versa. This just feels wrong to me. I kind of get it, because this kind of behavior is the def...
They trained the sentence using the BIOBERTSUM language model, which follows the sentence position embedding mechanism12. While working with the embedding mechanism, the model taken in hand by the researchers is a unified model that can identify multiple paraphrases in an input sentence pair. The ...
It was expected that using swiper.slideToLoop(index) would transition immediately (for example, from the last slide to the first or vice versa from the first to the last). Without using thumbs private get swiperOptions1() { return { swiperKey: `swiper-${this.swiperUnique...
I know you can use capitalization but for some reason that doesn't include lowercase and sentence case. I know how to set them via code (i.e. paragraph.changecase()), but not how to read the already applied setting. Anyone know how to access this property on a textframe and/or p...