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Excellent resistive switching memory characteristics were demonstrated for an Al/Cu/Ti/TaOx/W structure with a Ti nanolayer at the Cu/TaOxinterface under low voltage operation of±1.5V and a range of current compliances (CCs) from 0.1 to 500μA. Oxygen accumulation at the Ti nanolayer and ...
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The plus sign (+) at the end of the message indicates that additional information is available. If you enter a question mark (?), TSO/E displays a message describing the error in greater detail. The question mark must be the next command from the terminal, or the supplemental information ...
3 The ATLAS detector where σDY is the DY cross-section, and Fint and FG are func- tions of the cross-sections (they do not depend on MS) involv- ing the interference and pure KK graviton effects, respec- tively. The strength of the interaction is characterized by F /MS4, where ...
Let's assume that the orbital moments are actually compensated on both iron sublat- tices and in both iron valencies. The dynamical diffraction effects25,44 will mix the contributions of the three sublattices in a non-trivial way. A full disentangling of the individual contributions, as ...
(Fig.1), similarly to observed against PrTX-I, a PLA2-like myotoxin fromBothrops pirajaivenom20. Ticli and colleagues (2005), using different technical approaches, observed the antimyotoxic potential of RA against the crude venom ofBothrops jararacussuand against the main PLA2-like myotoxins ...
[35,83,84]; the NLO expan- sion with μR = μF = mt leads to comparable results, again with significant scale uncertainties. When the calcu- lation is extended to NNLO in the same framework, it lies further from the data and is consistent with the NNLO pre- diction without expansion ...
When the cavity is cou- pled to the the system H|masm =il 0to〉 n↔ia |nmins =th +e1in〉tterraancstiitoinonp,ibctuutrdeerceoaudpsl(eidn from units tohfeħ| =m s1 =) 0〉 ↔ |ms = ...