In ArcMap, layer files are created by right-clicking a feature class in the table of contents. In ArcGIS Pro, creating layer files uses different processes for individual layer files and group layer files.[Note that layer files saved from ArcGIS Pro cannot be used in ArcMap.] Saving a Map...
The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands allow you to copy features in a map to the clipboard and paste them to the same layer. To paste features to a different layer, use Paste Special.
The input image that will be used to detect objects. The input can be a single raster, multiple rasters in a mosaic dataset, an image service, a folder of images, a feature class with image attachments, or an oriented imagery dataset or layer. ...
the original feature layer in theContentspane, and to symbolize each feature layer differently. Users can then choose to display the layers, as needed, from theContentspane. The workflow described above limits the options for a second symbology, but having another copy of the feature layer ...
In ArcGIS Pro, the labeling functionality manages and displays labels based on attributes of a particular field. However, when the map area is extensive, cluttering can become a concern, as demonstrated in the map below. Instead of displaying all the labels, it is helpful to selective...
But how can I create a layer based on a SQL query in ArcGIS Pro? The answer isquery layer. A query layer is a very powerful tool that allows you to use a sql statement as a source of a feature layer; as the map gets refreshed, the sql statement gets pushe...
I am using Feature Class to Feature Class conversion to create a copy in my local Geodatabase. While doing so I realized that the OBJECT ID gets changed somehow; so I tried to do this in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 by creating an additional field "OBJ1" while using Feature Class...
The ToxPi*GIS Toolkit is a collection of methods for creating interactive feature layers that contain ToxPi profiles. It currently includes an ArcGIS Toolbox (ToxPiToolbox.tbx) for drawing location-specific ToxPi profiles in a single feature layer, a collection of modular Python scripts that create...
The sustainability of China’s rapid urbanization is of significance in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Here we integrated Earth observation and census data to estimate the relationship between land, population and econ
The most important thing I was looking for was theSupports Dynamic Layers: truesetting. This ensures that we can generate adynamic map layerin ArcGIS Server. TIP: In general, when you see theSupport Dynamic Layers: truesetting on any ArcGIS Server service REST page out on the open interne...