To save anVersion to thetab, click the three-dot icon next to the Version in thetab and selectSave as Named Version. You can also find an option to delete the Version from the three-dot menu. To export the preferred version of your photo, click the three-dot icon in front of the ...
In the Light panel, click the AUTO button to have Lightroom automatically apply the best edits for these slider controls in your photos: Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks, Saturation, and Vibrance.Fine-tune the tonal scale using the CurveCurve...
使用点色调曲线(10 03. Using the point-tone curve), 本站编号31862257, 该Photoshop素材大小为5m, 时长为03分 22秒, 支持高清播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为frostyandroid, 更多精彩Photoshop素材,尽在爱给网。 教程简介: 本教程由lynda机构出品,Adobe Photoshop CS6 曾被业界认为是adobe产品史上最大的一次...
Drag the white point slider to the left until Input is about 138. Notice the highlights getting lighter. The final curve should look like this: Uncheck and re-check Preview to see the change. The shadow in the background around the neck becomes too dark, which will make it hard to sele...
“There is a learning curve for sure, but the interface was pretty easy. I have a pretty well established personal preset I use in Lightroom, so I had to work for these edits to get them pretty close to my typical style. Presets are huge in my workflow, so having that capability will...
10 03. 使用点色调曲线(10 03. Using the point-tone curve) 10 04. 创建一种独特的颜色看起来的口气点上下波动。(10 04. Creating a unique color look with the point-tone curv) 11 01. 引入污点去除工具(11 01. Introducing the Spot Removal tool) 11 02. 删除分散注意力的背景元素(11 02. Remov...
Most lens correction software will suffice for this tutorial, but common options include Adobe Camera RAW, Lightroom, Aperture, DxO Optics and PTLens, amongst others.1. VIGNETTINGThis describes the gradual fall-off of light towards the corners of your image, and is perhaps the most ...
One thing to mention, if updates do not appear in the Adobe CC app refreshing the app will usually bring them forward. To do that press Ctrl+Alt+R on Windows or Command+Option+R on the Mac. I found the new Photoshop, a new Lightroom CC, and Camera RAW update...
翼狐网致力于推动CG艺术发展,为用户提供海量的CG视频教程,本节内容主要介绍ZBrush 4R6新功能介绍(Digital Tutors出品)之课时4:04.Using the Curve Bridge brush.
X100T – Lightroom 5.6. Click on the image for larger sizes. Targeting professional photographers and photo enthusiasts as well as existing users of the X100S (which will be discontinued), the X100T needs to offer more than a half-hearted facelift in order to be successful. While Fuji clai...