MoveStorageEnclosure method of the MSCluster_StorageEnclosure class (Preliminary) How to edit local and remote files on Nano Server (Windows) C-C++ Code Example: Creating a Transactional Queue MSFT_NetNatTransitionConfiguration class (Windows) resources (in policyComments) (Windows) Minimal Server Int...
Control actions run natively within the Azure Logic Apps execution engine, so they're called "built-in" or "in-app" operations. In the connector gallery, all control actions are packaged inside theControlcollection. After you find this collection in the gallery, you can select an...
Create a new flow in a solution.Add a triggerYour first task is to create the trigger for your flow, which will run whenever a file is added to the OneDrive folder that you specify.Search for the OneDrive for Business connector or select it from the list of connectors. Select the When ...
The Web API is a collection of HTTP RPC-style methods, all with URLs in the form While it's not a REST API, those familiar with REST should be at home with its foundations in HTTP. Use HTTPS, SSL, and TLS v1.2 or above when calling al...
Example 1: Retrieve items using Azure SQL built-in connector Example 2: Retrieve items using semantic labels Next steps Use the Microsoft Search API in Microsoft Graph to search across external content ingested and indexed by Microsoft Graph connectors. The content is imported either via built...
The AWS CLI automatically uses the default endpoint for each service in an AWS Region, but you can specify an alternate endpoint for your API requests.
Microsoft Search Question using SharePoint and File Share Connector Hello, It is my understanding that when using Microsoft Search as it comes out of the box, when you run a search it is supposed to show results from ALL content sources connected, showing results fr...Show More...
Citrix Gateway Advanced edition or later Prerequisites: Cloud Connectors - You need at least two servers on which to install the Citrix Cloud Connector software. An Active Directory and make sure that the domain is registered.
use the command-line 'modus-shell' program provided in the ModusToolbox™ installation instead of a standard Windows command-line application. This shell provides access to all ModusToolbox™ tools. You can access it by typing "modus-shell" in the search box in the Windows menu. In Linux...
To create a Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform user, use the Account Data panel of the Create User sub-tab to create a user for a specific connector.Users identify and authenticate themselves in the different parts of Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform by using three different credentials: an email ...