In this circuit, we use thermometer decoding circuit to control the switch resistance. Thus constructing a Motor Speed Control system.
In this case: To instruct V1 to replay Figure 1’s V(CH1): wavefile=“C:\export.wav” chan=0 To instruct V2 to replay Figure 1’s V(CH2): wavefile=“C:\export.wav” chan=1 Audio Separation Theoretically, playing export.wav through a media player should switch between playing the ...
LTspice IV can automatically create a symbol for a third-party model, or you can associate a third-party subcircuit with an LTspice intrinsic symbol, as long as the third-party .SUBCKT model and the i
In this work, both modulator and decimation filter is designed with the software LTspice. The sigma delta modulator is designed using Switch Capacitor Integrator and comparator with an 8 MHz sampling clock frequency. The decimator is designed using a second order Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) ...
Note that, in LTspice, the Ron and Roff values used in switches can be set such that Ron > Roff. This is a useful way to invert the logic sense of a switch. At this point it is worth noting that if it is important that the simulation results are as close as possible to those ex...
Read other technology post: LF356 integrator simulation using LTspice Related posts: Dragging and Clicking in Video Timelines Removing my Play button overlay remains impossible even after pressing the HTML5 video controls Play video on Scroll Making a Black Play Button Overlay Visible on Both ...
Lets try to simulate this concept in LTspice: It seems to work, the green line is the current across the coil. Pulses in both directions are generated, depending on which input is enabled. A nice feature of this circuit is only the charge will consume energy, the flip back is for free...
Output cutoff switch. Temperature sensing. Real time fault detection and shut down. Wireless data communication at 2.4GHz. LCD measurements display. Step 9: Complete Charger Solar Charger Ltspice netlist Charger.asc and model library SUB_LIB.txt ...
Lets try to simulate this concept in LTspice: It seems to work, the green line is the current across the coil. Pulses in both directions are generated, depending on which input is enabled. A nice feature of this circuit is only the charge will consume energy, the flip back is for free...
A SPICE simulation is primarily suited for getting to know a power supply circuit in detail so that there are no unwanted surprises when building the hardware. A circuit can also be changed and optimized using LTspice. In addition, the interaction of the switching regulator with the other parts...