Even before the pandemic, HE leaders in the US faced a difficult reality: financial problems, campus conflict, and intense disquiet over fees, debt and return on investment/qualifications at the level of the student and society [12]. They entered the crisis challenged by a range of megatrends...
A digital lending marketplace links customers and small businesses seeking low-interest loans with institutional lenders seeking high-yielding returns. Since 2014, it has been at the forefront of lending, and it continues to set the standard with quick and easy loans. It is based in Gurugram, ...
This study investigated the implementation model and research methods of a peer education program for new parents focused on infant feeding and nutrition. Two hundred and sixty-nine parents with an infant aged birth to two years old were invited to become co-researchers in a Participatory Action ...
heuristic approach, the assessment results for the heuristic approach proved the feasibility of applying the proposed dual renewable energy system to achieve NZEB systems in the new phase two of the case study in the KFU residential campus located in the KSA as a residential campus in the arid ...
In addition, the 3D real-time interface of the thermal environment along with energy consumption helps users and facility managers to improve their perception of the optimum thermal performance of the spaces at ISCTE-IUL university campus and save energy [104]. Similarly, a real-time data ...
Seo et al. [22] presented a case study using the SERVQUAL scale to assess student perceptions of blended learning approaches in South Korea in the post-COVID-19 era. Similarly, Ho et al. [23] proposed a case study of blended learning service quality using the SERVQUAL scale for higher ...
In their work with simulated student data, they adapted and combined the characteristics of three algorithms to improve the learning process: swarm intelligence; Naive Bayes; and collaborative filtering for clustering, prediction, and recommendations. It is interesting to analyze what they propose as ...
Seo et al. [22] presented a case study using the SERVQUAL scale to assess student perceptions of blended learning approaches in South Korea in the post-COVID-19 era. Similarly, Ho et al. [23] proposed a case study of blended learning service quality using the SERVQUAL scale for higher ...
Regarding the housing types and ventilation, the participants mentioned there was a shift from the traditional tukul houses to tin houses for the main living house. Once the household constructed tin houses for the living purpose, indoor cooking was not practiced there for the smoke was viewed not...
The US and ESV are negatively correlated to each other, and the analysis revealed the same: as the US increased, the ecosystem values fell off to certain proportions. From 2005, after the fringes began to develop, the negative contribution of US on ESV was at the rate of 5.89% and increa...