The action 'RESET' with payload {"stale":false,"type":"stack","key":"stack-89f_vt6bznNwe8ZDmp0mR","index":0,"routeNames":["(tabs)","+not-found","_sitemap"],"routes":[{"name":"(tabs)","state":{"stale":false,"type":"tab","key":"tab-Ecfq_pT2uRroKfUj4Po-9","index...
Install expo and expo dev client install react native screens Initialize Stack with createNativeStackNavigator(); use Stack.Screen or Stack.Navigator in the app runnpx expo start --dev-client Snack or a link to a repository Screens version ...
ChatGPT’s response looks good. Go ahead and installNode.js,Expo CLIand create a new project. Regarding the template, I suggest you go withtabs (TypeScript)since it automatically configuresReact Router, which you’ll most likely use in the future. After the project has been created I sugges...
an online conference platform that isn't open source but is friendly to open source tools. Fedora started using it some years ago, and it definitely provides a professional conference feel, with a built-in sponsor booth/expo hall, tracks, hallway chat conversations, and moderation...
Bottom-Tabs5.11.11for Bottom Navigations Navigation for React Nativea router based on new React Native Navigation API Libraries @react-native-community/masked-view0.1.10 @react-navigation/native5.7.3 @react-navigation/stack5.9.0 Bottom-Tabs5.11.11 ...
Stack, Switch, Tabs, Drawer, and more. For our Application we will use a combination ofStackNavigationandDrawerNavigationto navigate between the different screens.StackNavigationis similar to how browser history works on the web. We are using this since it provides an interface for the header and...
stack": "^5.2.9", "@use-expo/font": "^2.0.0", "@zeit/fetch-retry": "^5.0.0", "d3-array": "^2.4.0", "deep-diff": "^1.0.2", "expo": "^40.0.0", "expo-analytics-amplitude": "~9.0.0", "expo-app-loading": "^1.0.1", "expo-constants": "~9.3.3", "expo-device...
If i setunstable_settingsand create a customRedirectcomponent thats usingrouter.navigateeverything looks fine (but the screen will stay in the stack). If i don't set theunstable_settingsand use the defaultRedirectcomponent (with router.replace), everything looks fine. (but i dont have a back...
tabs stack ... screens sannajammeh commented Aug 14, 2023 • edited Its unfortunate how unclear the docs are written on how this all works. Same issue for me. Whats even weirder is that this only happens for built apps, expo go works as expected. This errors on the latest expo ...
expo-router-supabase-tanstack Upgraded to latest versions of Expo and Expo-Router Project Setup This Project Assumes there is a database with the following setup There is a Task table in the database and the table has three columns title: string; description: string; owner: string; There ...