how to create a daily trigger and run a stored procedure in sql server How to create a Dual Listbox and transfer the delected items to back end from MVC web application? How to create a dynamic table with data comming from model, in MVC How to create a link button with mvc model How...
TSQLStoredProc represents a stored procedure that is executed using dbExpress. TSQLStoredProc can represent the result set if the stored procedure returns a cursor. You can add a TSQLStoredProc component to a form at design time, or create one dynamically at run time. To use TSQLStoredProc...
Stored procedureTask performed sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo (Transact-SQL) Returns information about events included in a trace. sys.fn_trace_getinfo (Transact-SQL) Returns information about a specified trace or all existing traces. sp_trace_create (Transact-SQL) Creates a trace definition....
文档标签: 使用sql server存储过程实现银行转账业务Using SQL server stored procedure to implement bank transfer 系统标签: stored sql transfer 转账 server procedure 使用sqlserver存储过程实现银行转账业务(UsingSQLserver storedproceduretoimplementbanktransferservice) UsingSQLSERVERstoredprocedurestoimplementbanktransfer ...
As I mentioned earlier, the sp_executesql stored procedure is used to execute dynamic SQL queries that are in the form of a string. Let’s see this in action. Run the following script: 1 2 3 DECLARE@SQL_QUERYNVARCHAR(128) SET@SQL_QUERY=N'SELECT id, name, price FROM Books WHERE pric...
The Java program inExample D-1is intended only to be an illustration of the use of a PL/SQL stored procedure with JDBC. It does not include error checking or many other Java features. Save the Java program inExample Before running the Java program inExample D-1, ...
This chapter describes how to create PL/SQL stored procedures for use with Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, and describes Oracle Database tasks that you need to perform to use PL/SQL stored procedures with Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. After you create a PL/SQL procedure and define a job definition,...
CREATE PROCEDURE good_nested_cursors1( ) READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE l_department_id INT; DECLARE l_employee_id INT; DECLARE l_emp_count INT DEFAULT 0 ; DECLARE l_done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE dept_csr cursor FOR SELECT department_id FROM departments; ...
CREATE DEFINER=``@`192.168.%` PROCEDURE `test`(name_table varchar(50)) BEGIN SET @sqlText = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', name_table,' ;') ; PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlText; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END
CREATE DEFINER=``@`192.168.%` PROCEDURE `test`(name_table varchar(50)) BEGIN SET @sqlText = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', name_table,' ;') ; PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlText; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END