How to stop double printing text using sprintf ?. Learn more about writefile, sprintf, text file, txt MATLAB
How to write database query using sprintf command?. Learn more about postgresql, matlab, database, query MATLAB
>> fmt='%s\t %d\t\n';% there's no point in the repmat() you used... >>fori=1:length(o{1}) l=sprintf(fmt,o{1}{i},o{2}(i)) end l = abc2 l = b23 As Walter pointed out, NB the {} (curlies) on the second subscript for the cellstr conten...
numParty = str2double(inputdlg(sprintf('Enter number of Party values for ElectionBox %d:', i))); app.PartyValues{i} = zeros(1, numParty); app.NumPeople{i} = zeros(1, numParty); % Get SOC values and number of cells for each SOC ...
Open in MATLAB Online @Fabiana: yes, that code is not written to be easily modified nor easily understood. Replace the first two lines with this: P ='C:\Users\username\MATLAB';% define the path here F ='nameofyourfile.mat';% define the name here, use SPRINTF if requi...
outputFileName = [resultDir, 'ResultsForParameterTrainingV1To_', num2str(kernel_param.idataset), '.txt']; % Or safer: outputFileName = fullfile(resultDir, sprintf('ResultsForParameterTrainingV1To_%d.txt', kernel_param.idataset));
sprintf(['There were %d iterations using gradient' ... ' and Hessian, but %d without them.'], ... output.iterations,output2.iterations) ans = 'There were 14 iterations using gradient and Hessian, but 18 without them.' Get sprintf(['There were %d function evaluations using grad...
TITLE1 =sprintf('%i-bits (1+%i+%i) ', N1+1, L1, B1); bhat1 = bahat(1, :); ahat1 = bahat(2, :); Hhat1 = freqz(bhat1, ahat1, w); magHhat1 =abs(Hhat1); magHhat1db = 20*log10(magHhat1); zhat1 =roots(bhat1); ...
title(sprintf('x1(n) sequence, M = %d', M)); grid on; MM = 500; k = [-MM:MM]; % [-pi, pi] %k = [0:M]; % [0, pi] w = (pi/MM) * k; [X1] = dtft(x1, n1, w); magX1 = abs(X1); angX1 = angle(X1); realX1 = real(X1); imagX1 = imag(X1); figure...
inform the user.warnStr = sprintf('Warning: Model %s is already running', app.mdl); warndlg(warnStr,'Warning');endelse% Model is not yet loaded, so warn the user.warnStr = sprintf('Warning: Model %s is not loaded\nPlease load the model and try again', app.mdl); warndlg(warnStr...