Summary: With my current setup, I have a weak WiFi signal and I can not move my router. I want to have a secondary wired device in my office to broadcast my...
If you need to extend the Admin Meta Box there are a few filters and actions to make this easier. As an example, let's add a section with a text input and a button to save. To start we need to add the fields: Filter add_filter( 'liveblog_admin_add_settings', array( __CLASS_...
Finally you'll need to look in your routers status page to find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi. Usually the routers access page can be accessed at or, but this address is entirely dependent on your router set up. Consult your router man...
Nearly all of us engage in some form of online community, or at the very least, digital communication. From niche subreddits to our family’s Facebook posts to self-help webinars, the human experience exists in a blended duality: while still physical, it is increasingly digital. While trad...