Moreover, the use of bark instead of sawdust in order to increase the homogeneity of the cross-section allows one to obtain panels with significantly lower formaldehyde emission and water uptake. Keywords: bark; chipboard; sawdust; wood-based material; wood chips ...
In a study in which sound-absorbing composites were used using sawdust and polyurethane foam, the value of the coefficient in the sound-absorbing tests at 500 Hz increased with a 10% increase in polyurethane concentration. Polyurethane foam is commonly used as a sound-absorbing material due to...
In contrast, medium- and small-sized raw materials and sawmill residues (shavings, sawdust, chips or pieces) are directed towards the panel industry. Nevertheless, efforts are still underway to improve raw material use in particleboard production further by using less common species and other ...
PLA and PS demonstrated a superior overall performance, except for their impact properties, where PP was slightly better than PLA. Keywords: wood plastic composites; natural fiber reinforcement; thermoplastic matrices; mechanical properties in hostile environment; water absorption; mechanical properties ...