Bug description When building a Next.js application using Prisma on the edge runtime with the Database driver, the build fails with the following error. This problem seems to occur when using Prisma client on the server action imported b...
Problem Currently, running @prisma/client in NextJS edge runtime is not supported. Suggested solution Add support for using @prisma/client in edge runtimes
Now it depends a a lot on your data access layer. If you use the Prisma ORM, also install @next-auth/prisma-adapter withnpm install @next-auth/prisma-adapter and include it in [...nextauth].js:import NextAuth from 'next-auth' import Providers from 'next-auth/providers' import { ...
Hi, I am building an app using NextJS, Clerk for authentication, Prisma as ORM, postgres as DB. I want to sign in using Azure/Entra AD as I'm building an app for my company and I want to fetch the details of users when they sign in using clerk and how do I proceed with...
Learn to build a full-stack AI Avatar generator web application with NextJs, tailwind CSS, tRPC, Prisma, AWS S3 评分:4.3,满分 5 分4.3(16 个评分) 174 个学生 创建者Pranjal Soni 上次更新时间:6/2023 英语 英语[自动] 您将会学到 Adding authentication with NextAuth ...
GraphQL Request is a library created and maintained by Prisma Labs. It's a lightweight, minimal library that provides only what you need to send and receive GraphQL queries and mutations in the browser or via Node.js. Complete the following steps to call a StepZen API using GraphQL Reques...
Features Sort any given array of 3 digits positive integers Alter the speed of execution Start, pause and reset the execution Generate random array of numbers of sorting Technologies React with hooks Styled components+React material(css and component libraries) ...
Innovation has a new meaning in our project as it involves the integration of cutting-edge technologies and generative models, thus making our stack of Next.js, React.js, Prisma ORM, MySQL and more scalable and easier to use for web development. Creative tools using AI like GPT-3.5 ...
I have been battling with exactly the same problem and am hoping for a proper solution... but for now I just copied the schema file by hand into the .next folder: grep -lR 'Prisma Client could not find' apps/web/.next | xargs dirname | xargs -I {} cp packages/core/prisma/schema...
Works very well, excellent project. 💠 Personal website and blog made using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, MDX Bundler, and Prisma with PostgreSQL - coding-to-music/nextjs-blog-ts-tailwind-mdx-bundler-prisma-postgres