select EPM Foundation, then select EPM Setup, then select Common Definitions, then select System Objects, then select Built In Function View predefined functions that are delivered with the system. Module Configuration Page Use the Module Configuration page (PF_FN_ENG_PNL) to review configuration ...
def pretty_print_conf_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) # Configure Confusion Matrix Plot Aesthetics (no text yet) plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) plt.title(title, fo...
(mbq);% Pass the video input through the R(2+1)D Video Classifier.dlT = predict(r2plus1d,dlVideo); dlT = squeezeIfNeeded(dlT, T);% Calculate the cross-entropy loss.loss = crossentropy(dlT,T);% Calculate the accuracy of the predictions.[~,TTest] = max(T,[],1); [~,YPred] =...
Extension of the Job Demands-Resources model in the prediction of burnout and engagement among teachers over time Our purpose was to extend the Job Demand-Resources Model (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) by including personal resources, job demands and job resources to predi... LL Prieto,MS Soria,...
$$Random\,Accuracy=\frac{{\text{ActNegative}}\times {\text{PredNegave}}+{\text{PredPositive}}\times {\text{ActPositive}}}{{\text{Total}}\times {\text{Total}}}=\frac{\left(FP+TN\right)\times \left(FN+TN\right)+\left(TP+FN\right)\times \left(TP+FP\right)}{\left(TP+TN+FP...
In each regression table, we report the total number of observations for which the dependent and independent variables are available in the full sample (\(N_{obs}\)) as well as the total number of observations for which predictions can be made (\(N_{pred}\)) in the full sample (i.e...
Voting-based ELT has also been applied in electroencephalogram (EEG) data collected from adults with ADHD and controls, without reporting the most important discrimination predicators (Tenev et al., 2014). Very recently, Zhang-James et al. (2019) applied ELTs in structural MRI data from ...
The first one describes the distance between the predicted coordinate (ϕpred, λpred) and the real coordinate (ϕreal, λreal), named as an absolute error (E). E is calculated in kilometers (km) by applying the haversine formula39, with the earth radius R taken at the location of ...
combining novel and previously used input types19, while aPRBind, developed by Liu et al., combines protein sequence and structural features for RNA-binding residue prediction20. DRNApred21, a fast sequence-based method that accurately predicts and discriminates DNA- and RNA-binding residues was ...
In this section, we describe the SINDy and Hybrid-SINDy algorithms in the context of identifying template signatures, while more detailed explanations can be found in Refs.29,31. The 3D CoM accelerations, \(\ddot{{\varvec{q}}}\left(t\right)\in {\mathbb{R}}^{m\times n}\) (Fig. ...