In this research article, the (1+1)- and (2+1)-dimensional Chiral nonlinear Schrödinger equations (CNLSEs) are studied, which play an important role in the development of quantum mechanics, particularly in the field of quantum Hall effect. Our primary goal is to obtain the analytical solu...
Learning in algebra 2 printable power algebra multiply fraction by integer simplifying expressions calculator using fractions and square roots common denominator calculator The Rules for adding, subtracting, Multiplying and dividing polynomials how to do algebra sample word problems involved in app...
precise prediction in the early and late phases of MCI is essential. This research investigates multimodal framework-based multitask learning in the following situations: (1) Differentiating early mild
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For example, the space of barcodes was given tropical coordinates in Kališnik (Feb 2019). In Adcock et al. (2013), it is mentioned that the space of barcodes can be identified with the n-fold symmetric product of R2, and the authors study the corresponding algebra of polynomials ...
The fitness function value is a kind of important information in the search process, which can be more targeted according to the guidance of the fitness function value. Most existing meta-heuristic algorithms only use the fitness function value as an ind
Viable candidates includetrigonometric polynomialsorplain old polynomials. These models are symbolic, can be represented as a simple vector of coefficients, are easy to serialize or utilize on a GPU, and multi-dimensional variations are feasible. Use of Haskell functions (T -> a) is also feasible...
In real-life situations, we most often think of negative numbers when we speak of real-world applications, such as military navigation systems, human health monitoring systems and many others. We have to consider how they can be manipulated in a secure and efficient way, especially those ...
where \(P_l^m\) are the associated Legendre polynomials, and \(a_{lm}\) and \(b_{lm}\) are expansion coefficients. The magnetic field can be obtained by calculating the gradient of the magnetic scalar potential, \(\varvec{B}= -\nabla \Phi _M(\varvec{r})\). Absorbing \(a_{...
In real-life situations, the signer provides some signatures as references. These signatures are used to compare the tested signature and check if it is forged or genuine. Therefore, the proposed technique will use only these references for choosing the signer-dependent sampling frequency to ...