The new ranking functions in SQL Server 2005 let us quickly calculate each row's ranking within a set based on a partition and an ordering. Think of the partition as almost like a GROUP BY, where you the use of the word "per" in your specifications often indicate which columns you are ...
Then it's pretty much a cross join between the IDs you want to work on together with list of...
Then it's pretty much a cross join between the IDs you want to work on together with list of...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database only Similarly to sys.resource_stats, sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats in the master database provides historical resource usage data for all elastic pools on the logical server. You can use sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats for historical monitoring over the last 14...
SQL SELECTTOP100*FROMOPENROWSET(BULK'*.*',FORMAT='parquet')ASrows Query partitioned data It's common in a data lake to partition data by splitting across multiple files in subfolders that reflect partitioning criteria. This enables ...
Some days ago, I have been working on advisory service request where our customer asked for partitioning option for Azure SQL database. They found theguidelinesbut when they tried to implement it, they got the error message: 'filegroup' is not supported in this versi...
improve data sorting performance, stripe the data files of your partitions across more than one disk by setting up a RAID (redundant array of independent disks). In this way, although SQL Server still sorts data by partition, it can access all the drives of each partition at t...
Now that we have a partitioned table with some data in it, let's take a look at the underlying structure of this table. As you can see from the query results we have 7 partitions in this table and we would like to remove the oldest partition. To accomplish this we will use the SWI...
Create a Scala Notebook in Databricks. Make sure to enter the right values for the variables before running the following code: ScalaCopy importcom.mongodb.spark._importcom.mongodb.spark.config._importorg.apache.spark._importorg.apache.spark.sql._varsourceConnectionString ="mongodb://<USERNAME...
To back up an existing MySQL database on the local on-premises server or in a virtual machine, run the following command: C# mysqldump --opt -u [uname] -p[pass] [dbname] > [backupfile.sql] The parameters to provide are: [uname] Your database username ...