Otherwise, install panvimwiki in pack/*/start/panvimwiki. if has('python3') packadd! panvimwiki endif Usage Command Line Shell Panvimwiki provides plain text pre-filters and pandoc filters for use from the command line. For example from a bash prompt: cat $HOME/vimwiki/diary/* | delete_...
","Leah had 32 chocolates and her sister had 42. If they ate 35, how many pieces do they have left in total?"]example_response=["""{"reasoning": "There are 15 trees originally. Then there were 21 trees after some more were planted. So there must have been 21 - 15 = 6.", "a...
pandocfilters 1.5.0paramiko 3.3.1parso 0.8.3pathos 0.3.0pathspec 0.11.1patsy 0.5.3pexpect 4.8.0pickleshare 0.7.5Pillow 9.4.0pip 23.0.1pkginfo 1.9.6pkgutil_resolve_name 1.3.10platformdirs 3.2.0plotly 5.13.0ply 3.11pooch 1.7.0portalocker 2.7.0pox 0.3.2ppft 1.7.6....
pandocfilters 1.5.0paramiko 3.3.1parso 0.8.3pathos 0.3.0pathspec 0.11.1patsy 0.5.3pexpect 4.8.0pickleshare 0.7.5Pillow 9.4.0pip 23.0.1pkginfo 1.9.6pkgutil_resolve_name 1.3.10platformdirs 3.2.0plotly 5.13.0ply 3.11pooch 1.7.0portalocker 2.7.0pox 0.3.2ppft 1.7.6....
pandocfilters intel/win-64::pandocfilters-1.4.1-py36_2 parso intel/win-64::parso-0.2.0-py36_2 path.py intel/win-64::path.py-11.0.1-py36_2 pickleshare intel/win-64::pickleshare-0.7.4-py36_3 prompt_toolkit intel/win-64::prompt_toolkit-1.0.15-py36_2 psutil pkgs/m...
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from bleach->nbconvert->jupyter) (1.14.0) Building wheels for collected packages: pandocfilters Building wheel for pandocfilters (setup.py) ... done Created wheel for pandocfilters: filename=pandocfilter...
本篇先介绍一下Shiny for Python运行环境的安装配置,在安装配置Shiny for Python之前,需要先安装配置好R Shiny和Shiny Sever,可以参阅我的另一篇文章《在Ubuntu18上编译安装R语言环境》,当然,也可以只安装Shiny Server,只用Python,那就要简单很多。不过R有Python所不擅长的地方,二者各有所长,我的选择也是双语驱动,...
checks a ‘README.md’ file can be processed: this needs pandoc installed. checks the existence and accessibility of URLs in the ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘CITATION’, ‘NEWS.Rd’ and ‘README.md’ files and in the help files (provided the build has libcurlsupport). reports non-ASCII characters ...
python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py:645: UserWarning: Usage of dash-separated'description-file'will not be supportedinfuture versions. Please use the underscore name'description_file'instead#8 75.30 % (opt, underscore_opt))#8 75.30 /tmp/pip-build-env-hk34bsbq/overlay/lib...
pandocfilters intel/win-64::pandocfilters-1.4.1-py36_2 parso intel/win-64::parso-0.2.0-py36_2 path.py intel/win-64::path.py-11.0.1-py36_2 pickleshare intel/win-64::pickleshare-0.7.4-py36_3 prompt_toolkit intel/win-64::pro...