Quiver (Mac,iOS): Programmer's notebook, math + Markdown, code snippet. Findings (Mac): Notebook for experimentalists, organized research materials and notes. Notion (Win,Mac,iOS,Android): Notetaking with kanban, math, calendar, table, etc. Agenda (Mac,iOS): Notes and GTD.LaTeX...
Maize (Zea mays), with more than one billion tons annual production (http://www.fao.org/wsfs/world-summit/en) [1], is a world major crop and an important resource for human food, animal feed, and bioenergy. However, drought, which has increased with global climate warming and increased ...
It may be conceivable that in the case of α-Synuclein, GroEL-AD is capable of modulating fibril morphology in addition to limiting fibril growth, and this notion agreed well with the multiple modes of binding interaction that we observed between GroEL-AD and α-Synuclein, detected ...
2.2.3. Portfolio Performance Evaluation Portfolio performance evaluation is taken to test the notion of market efficiency. The evaluation process is conducted for three important benefits: increase efficiency, monitor risk, and analyze returns. There are a variety of different measures that can be ...
Multi-Criteria Modeling Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDM) [6] is an approach to decision support that explicitly considers multiple and possibly conflicting criteria for assessing decision alterna- tives. One of the central MCDM concepts is a notion of a multi-criteria (or multi-attribute) ...
In the final section of this article, such associations that are generated through AR will be discussed within the aforementioned notion of felt-bodily affectedness (leiblich-affektives Betroffensein, Schmitz [1969] 2019; Schmitz 2014a, p. 75). 4.3. Results: AR as a Despacialization Medium ...
3.2. Influence of Filament Material on Print Strength The current subsection should be prefaced with the following Disclaimer: Filament quality is a multidimensional notion which defines different parameters, from uniform spooling to biodegradability. The sample strength obtained when using a specific ...
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