If you are using 2FA you would have to create an “Application Specific” password for Nodemailer to work.Gmail also always sets authenticated username as the From: email address. So if you authenticate as foo@example.com and set bar@example.com as the from: address, then Gmail reverts ...
// load the node mailer module var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); //configure the transporter var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'gmail', auth: { user: '[email protected]', pass: 'your gmail password' } }); //email options var mailOptions = { from: '[em...
and set up SES (Simple Email service). Then plug in your details into.dev.vars.exampleand rename it to.dev.vars. You'll also need to add these as enviroment variables in the Cloudflare dashboard for it to work in production. Or if you don't mind sending through gmail usenodemailer...
('Message received from:'+from_number+':'+text);vartransporter=nodemailer.createTransport({service:'gmail',auth:{user:"<email_address>",pass:"<password>"}});varmailOptions={from:"<from_email_address>",// sender addressto:"<recipient_email_address>",// comma-separated list of receivers...
// This method is called every time Nodemailer needs a new // connection against the SMTP server transporter.getSocket = function(options, callback){ getProxySocketSomehow(options.port, options.host, function(err, socket){ if(err){ return callback(err); ...
This is a screenshot taken directly from Gmail on a Retina-supported device. Above we have aLadsample email sent usingNodemailerandNunjucks. What does it look like behind the scenes? Here's a snippet from the navbar shown in the screenshot above. We utilizefont-awesome-assetsfor rendering th...
Start with installing these dependencies: Bash Copy Code npm install nodemon dotenv nodemailer cors express @google/generative-ai nodemon: It is a development utility that automatically restarts your Node.js application whenever you make changes to the code. dotenv: This package allows you to ...
// Replace with your actual secret keyconstPORT=3000;// Configure email transport for notificationsconsttransporter=nodemailer.createTransport({service:'gmail',auth:{user:'your_email@gmail.com',// Replace with your emailpass:'your_email_password'// Replace with your email password}});// ...
(e);}// Our mock function that would do the heavy lifting of sending the email message.// The mailOptions object is designed to be compatible with NodemailerfunctionsendEmail(transport,mailOptions){console.log(mailOptions);}// Shape the recipients into an arrayfunctiongetRecipients(recipients){...
varnodemailer=require('nodemailer');//setup the transportervartransporter=nodemailer.createTransport({service:'gmail',auth:{// your gmail credentials to use it's serviceuser:'xyz@gmail.com',pass:'yourpassword'}});varmailOptions={from:'youremail@gmail.com',//sending from,to:'ceo@go237.com'...