Return expectation and risk rate are calculate using mean absolute deviation model portfolio theory. Then doing calculate using genetic algorithm to get an optimal allocation of stock portfolio. The solution obtained from genetic algorithm are determined by the operator and the parameters used. ...
Compared with the original SW model, the root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the SW_TVI model were reduced by more than 30%, against in situ measurements in the Heihe River Basin. The Bias of the T/ET ratio was also significantly reduced from -22.3% ...
Root mean square and mean absolute deviation error metrics for this basis set combination were comparable to complete basis set values obtained with standard CCSD(T) and the aug-cc-pVDZ through aug-cc-pVQZ basis set sequence. However, the mean signed deviation was an order of magnitude larger...
The mean of cosine similarities to these reference sets is plotted as a datapoint for each reference image timepoint. Boxplots are based on the distribution of similarity values above 0.8. The center represents the median, box limits represent upper and lower quartiles, whiskers the 1.5× ...
After calculating all predictions of the number of confirmed cases y for all periods between S+1 and May 31, 2020, we took the mean of the in-sample and out-of-sample MAEs of the forecasting errors for all Kernel functions, aggregating by all other hyperparameter combinations. These results...
The investigation compares the conventional, advanced machine, deep, and hybrid learning models to introduce an optimum computational model to assess the ground vibrations during blasting in mining projects. The long short-term memory (LSTM), artificial neural network (ANN), least square support vector...
in addition to exploring clustering on raw data, it’s useful to normalize the raw data before clustering. There are many ways to normalize data. A common technique is to compute the mean (m) and standard deviation (sd) for each attribute, then for each attribute value (v) compute a nor...
Detecting outliers: Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median J. Exp. Soc. Psychol. (2013) Google Scholar Li and Laurent, 2001 F.X. Li, M. Laurent Dodging a Ball Approaching on a Collision Path: Effects of Eccentricity and Velocity Ecol. Psych...
They had a mean age of 30.8 ± 9.0 years, a mean BMI of 25.2 ± 3.9 kg/m2, 14 (67%) were male, 7 (33%) were female, and 17 (81%) indicated their right lower-limb as the dominant. Concurrent validity Linear fit method r2 values for accelerations indicate fair-to-...
39,40, we derive the corresponding mean-field differential Eq. (2.4) of the stochastic dynamic introduced in “Transportation between regions and the stochastic model”, which is continuous in time, and the compartments \((\widetilde{S}_k(t), \widetilde{E}_k(t), \widetilde{H}_k(t), ...