Re: Help ripping DVD using Handbrake « Reply #5 on: July 16, 2017, 02:51:07 pm » I use MakeMKV to rip Blu-ray disk to mkv file. Then I use HandBrake to compress the file. The current version of HandBrake doesn't do decryption. Here is a quote from the documentation, unde...
This container will detect optical disks by their type and rip them automatically. Output Disc TypeOutputTools used CDMP3 FLAC ISOabcde (lame and flac), ddrescue Data-DiskISOddrescue DVDMKV and ISOMakeMKV, ddrescue BluRayMKV and ISOMakeMKV, ddrescue ...
then mount the iso from the rip (blurays are encrypted so you have to have a decrypter) and then use DVD AUDIO EXTRACTOR (highly recommended and you can grab a functional trial) on the mounted .iso (you can use the freeware virtual clonedrive) ...
This interface might seem old and complicated but it will do the job. First of all load the file that we created at Step 2. Then using the bar and the little << and >> arrows, find the area you want to rip. When you do, mark the start of your selecting with button [(1)and t...
{ "Name": "Chapter 17" } ], "ChapterMarkers": true, "File": "D:\\DVD Rips\\MKV Rip\\Jack Reacher Never Go Back (2016)-1.mkv", "Mp4Options": { "IpodAtom": false, "Mp4Optimize": false }, "Mux": 2097152 }, "Filters": { "FilterList": [ { "ID": 4, "Settings": { ...