CASE is a Control Flow statement that acts a lot like an IF-THEN-ELSE statement to choose a value based on the data. The CASE statement goes through conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met. So, once a condition is true, it will short circuit, thereby ignoring lat...
Now if you are new toSQLyou may not know the benefits of theCASE statement.It is basically the way you can implement anIF statement within your SET Based SQL. I do a lot of work withHorse Racingand I like to rank my horses on a number of variables adding up a "Rating" score by ...
u can use like in the select query. But if u want the comparision to be done with a variable..then u can not use like in that case. one thing u can do..If u know the postioning of the letters in the table field that are to be compared with the var1. then u can achieve thi...
Not a good solution, a lot of manual code But if you build your Select statement as adynamic SQL Pivot query, it will be easier
The first approach executes a SQL statement (which can be a procedural call) using the data from the current row in the data flow. This operation executes on a row by row basis, and therefore may be impractical when there are millions of rows passing through the ETL process. ...
I couldn’t even begin to describe when I started using CASE. I like to imagine it was the first thing I typed after SELECT. Somewhere along the lines, I developed a habit of referring to CASE as both a statement and an expression. For the sake of your sanity, I’ll use the term ...
job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id LIKE '%CLERK'; CURSOR cursor2 is SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id LIKE '%MAN' OR job_id LIKE '%MGR'; BEGIN -- start the processing with cursor1 OPEN cursor1; -- open cursor1 before fetching DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE...
In most cases, the schema of the data is embedded within the Parquet file, so you only need to specify the BULK parameter with a path to the file(s) you want to read, and a FORMAT parameter of parquet; like this:SQL Copy SELECT TOP 100 * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'https:/...
A Using block behaves like a Try...Finally construction in which the Try block uses the resources and the Finally block disposes of them. Because of this, the Using block guarantees disposal of the resources, no matter how you exit the block. This is true even in the case of an ...
Everything you enter in the textbox, will be part of the SQL statement. If somebody enters: '%' OR '%'= This will result in: WHERE someField = 1 AND anotherField LIKE '%' + '%' OR '%'='% The OR '%'='%' is always true, causing this query tp return alle records, even ...