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Tyler shows Rain how to hold an FAA44 pulse rifle. He also teaches her how to operate it. The “AA” stands for “aiming assist”, a kind ofobject awareness. (Tyler asserts this is what the
摘要 The interest increased in studies and researches in physical education field, for its importance in improving sport l... 出版源 College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences , 2009 (52) 收藏 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 ResearchGate 学术范 学术范 (全网免费下载) ...
Spent ammunition at outdoor rifle and pistol (RP) firing ranges creates a characteristic pattern of contamination, whereby small areas surrounding backstop berms exhibit extremely high soil lead (Pb) concentrations. We characterized sources, pathways and uncertainty in contaminant accumulation for receptors...
Using the wrong powder for loading has blown up more than a few guns. You should always leave powders in the original containers. Labels can look similar but contain entirely different types of powders. If you accidentally put a pistol powder in a rifle cartridge, it will definitely da...
For warm months there are “snake guns” stored near our outer doors. They are always revolvers. One visitor asked why I didn’t just use a shotgun. The answer is again simple. The entire purpose of killing the rattler was to insure the safety others. Turning loose a large gauge shot...
Primers #300 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Primers #200 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #41 Winchester Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Winchester Primers #209 Shotshell Winchester Large Pistol Primers #7 Winchester ...
Spent ammunition at outdoor rifle and pistol (RP) firing ranges creates a characteristic pattern of contamination, whereby small areas surrounding backstop berms exhibit extremely high soil lead (Pb) concentrations. We characterized sources, pathways and uncertainty in contaminant accumulation for receptors...