This is certainly not the first attack with a nail gun, on either side of the Atlantic ocean. In theUK, criminals attempted to rob a man, and shot him multiple times with a nail gun. Nor are unlawful uses of nailguns confined only to humans, as agooselearned. Perhaps we will now he...
Ways to Prepare Tempeh in Recipes Coconut Kefir Recipe, A Delicious Probiotic Drink Vegan Parmesan Cheese, A Fermented Seed Cheese Lacto-Fermented Green Beans, A Raw Homemade Recipe Fire Cider Recipe, Immune Boosting Circulatory Aid Blue
Kefir contains many strains of good bacteria to promote gut health, and it's a cinch to make at home. Here's how.
The reason this freaked me out temporarily (I, fortunately, found another source that was able to ship immediately) is because I have quite a bit of travel planned in the coming weeks and starting to take a higher dosage of probiotics now than I usually take at home is very important. MY...
as well as folic acid, beta-carotene and selenium. Enough 1-2 glasses of raw milk - or for those who can not tolerate raw milk (suffering from lactase deficiency) - kefir, yogurt, yogurt or 100-150 grams of cottage cheese - to maintain the optimal balance of calcium and magnesium in ...