val, 1, REGEXP_INSTR(val,''='')-1) , newval=substring(Val, REGEXP_INSTR( val,''...
InnoDB二级索引叶节点存储的是索引key和表主键,MyISAM索引叶节点存储的则是索引key和指向表的rowid。 直接反应到SQL的执行计划则是: select id from table where column = '***'; 上面的SQL想要走快速索引扫描,InnoDB表需创建索引为index(column),而MyISAM则需要创建索引index(column,id)。因为在InnoDB物理存储层...
LOCATE(str1,str)、 POSITION(str1 IN str)和INSTR(str,str1)3个函数作用相同,返回子字符串str1在字符串str中的开始位置。 • 返回子串位置的函数FIND_IN_SET(s1,s2) FIND IN SET(s1,s2)返回字符串s1在字符串列表s2中出现的位置,字符串列表是一个由多个逗号,分开的字符串组成的列表。如果s1不在s2或s2...
INSTRIG,UPDTRIG,SELTRIG,CATEGORY,CACHE FROM SYS.SYSOBJECTS WHERE XTYPE NOT IN (''S'') ORDER BY NAME ASC'; SET @SYSCommentsQuery =N'SELECT id,number,colid,status,ctext,texttype, language,encrypted,compressed,text FROM sys.syscomments'; --===Common_Query_For_Both_Database--=== SET @...
Running SQL Statements You can enter and run SQL statements with the SQL Commands page, Script Editor page, or SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus). Using the SQL Commands and Script Editor pages are described in this section. The SQL Commands page is a simpler interface and easier to use. ...
phrase IN VARCHAR2, first OUT VARCHAR2, last OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS first := SUBSTR(phrase, 1, INSTR(phrase, ' ')-1); last := SUBSTR(phrase, INSTR(phrase, ' ')+1); IF first = 'John' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('That is a common first name.'); ...
Supported PL/pgSQL statements Materialized views Materialized view queries Automatic query rewriting to use materialized views Materialized views on external data lake tables Refreshing a materialized view Automated materialized views Using a user-defined function (UDF) in a materialized view Streaming ingest...
select(substr('string1',Instr('string1','DL',1,1)) from table but it is not working. and is there a wayto concatinate 2 substr statements? Really appreciate any help. TIA IP Logged hilfy Admin Group Joined: 20 Nov 2006 Online Status: Offline ...
SQL Server SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View Index .5in is not a valid unit designator. Valid unit designators are in, mm, cm, pt, pc. 'No such host is known' error when configuring Reporting database 'Oracle' data extension not registered 'Return' statement in a Function,Get,or...
As with all text literals used in SQL functions, regular expressions must be enclosed or wrapped between single quotes. If your regular expression includes the single quote character, enter two single quotation marks to represent one single quotation mark within your expression. ...