val, 1, REGEXP_INSTR(val,''='')-1) , newval=substring(Val, REGEXP_INSTR( val,''...
My idea was to select the string after the equal "1234sg654", in this way: with Instr() find position of equal, after that with Substr(), subtract the string after equal until end of string. equal=INSTR(string,'=',1,1); aux=Substr(string,-1,equal); // -1 I thought that is ...
LOCATE(str1,str)、 POSITION(str1 IN str)和INSTR(str,str1)3个函数作用相同,返回子字符串str1在字符串str中的开始位置。 • 返回子串位置的函数FIND_IN_SET(s1,s2) FIND IN SET(s1,s2)返回字符串s1在字符串列表s2中出现的位置,字符串列表是一个由多个逗号,分开的字符串组成的列表。如果s1不在s2或s2...
InnoDB二级索引叶节点存储的是索引key和表主键,MyISAM索引叶节点存储的则是索引key和指向表的rowid。 直接反应到SQL的执行计划则是: select id from table where column = '***'; 上面的SQL想要走快速索引扫描,InnoDB表需创建索引为index(column),而MyISAM则需要创建索引index(column,id)。因为在InnoDB物理存储层...
Running SQL Statements You can enter and run SQL statements with the SQL Commands page, Script Editor page, or SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus). Using the SQL Commands and Script Editor pages are described in this section. The SQL Commands page is a simpler interface and easier to use. ...
INSTR function returns numeric position of a character or a string in a given string. LPAD and RPAD functions pad the given string upto a specific length with a given character. TRIM function trims the string input from the start or end. REPLACE function replaces characters from the input str...
ORDER BY `v_wo_open`.`Priority` desc,if((`v_wo_open`.`Priority` > 0),0,`v_wo_open`.`Planned`),if((`v_wo_open`.`Planned` <> 0),`tblwodrops_stages`.`WIP_EstDate`,`v_wo_open`.`DateReq`),`tblwodrops_stages`.`WIP_SpecialInstr` desc; ...
Here are 2 SQL examples (one with text in English and another one in Kristaps Porzingis' language): SELECT regexp_substr('This is the text I would like to substr! Other random text that I do not need' ,'([\wāēīšžģņļčķū:!,\b\s]+)<') FROM dual; SELECT regexp...
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE INSTR(first_name,'e') <> 0 AND SUBSTR(last_name,LENGTH(first_name),1) = 't';Answer: A. The INSTR function returns the position of a given character in the required string. The SUBSTR function returns set of characters from the string...
phrase IN VARCHAR2, first OUT VARCHAR2, last OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS first := SUBSTR(phrase, 1, INSTR(phrase, ' ')-1); last := SUBSTR(phrase, INSTR(phrase, ' ')+1); IF first = 'John' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('That is a common first name.'); ...